From Māori to Deaf Engineers, Welcoming all Contributors

Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Mentorship WG members discuss the importance of inclusivity and accessibility in the cloud native ecosystem.

Every project in our community is looking for more contributors. One way to get them is to “make your project welcoming,” and to as broad an audience of potential contributors as possible. But what’s “being welcoming” really, and how do you open your project to folks very different from you? This session will introduce you to perspectives, methods, and ideas to increase your contributor base. We’ll share perspectives from TAG Contributor Strategy’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing and its Maori initiatives. It will also cover basics like contributor guides and “do and don’t” tips around being welcoming. Whether project leaders, contributors, or supporting sponsors, attendees will learn ways to remove barriers to entry and enable contribution.

Last modified January 24, 2024: Add KubeCon NA 2023 videos (#585) (3b8c758)