Cloud Native Project Monthly (CNPM) March 2024 (KubeCon Edition)

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, the Final Frontier

There will be some maintainer-focused activities at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon; be sure to check them out. Set course with your schedule. Below are a few suggested sessions:

Tuesday, 19 March

Announcing Project Lightning Talks! This year, we’re doing an entire day of lightning talks specifically around CNCF Projects. These can be found under the Project Opportunities tag on the schedule!

Wednesday, 20 March

18:00 - 20:00 - Poster Session: Serve CAKES for Your Developers: Introducing the Cloud Native CAKES Stack for Zero Trust! - Lin Sun, & Davanum Srinivas, Amazon Web Services

Thursday, 21 March

9:05 - 9:15 -Keynote: 🇫🇷 Hip, Hip, Beret! No Cap, Just Cloud Native Facts - Taylor Dolezal, Head of Ecosystem, Cloud Native Computing Foundation 15:25 - 16:00 - Why is This so HARD? Conveying the Business Value of Open Source - Bob Killen, Google 16:30 - 17:05 - Kubernetes Maintainers Read Mean Comments - Tim Hockin, Google & Davanum Srinivas, Amazon Web Services 18:30 - 20:00 - CLBO: ClashLoopBackOff

Friday, 22 March

10:05 - 10:15 - Keynote: Cloud Native in its Next Decade - Davanum Srinivas, Principal Engineer, AWS & Lin Sun, Head of Open Source, 14:00 - 14:35 - It’s Not Just About SBOMs: Perspectives on Cloud Native Supply Chain Security - Michael Lieberman, Kusari; Dana Wang, OpenSSF | The Linux Foundation; Marina Moore, New York University; John Kjell, TestifySec; Arnaud Le Hors, IBM

🎉 Promoting KubeCon + CloudNativeCon to Your Communities

We can’t wait for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe- it will be here next week! Spread the word to your fellow cloud native enthusiasts and professionals. We’re pleased to include this attendee marketing kit with a few social media posts and graphics to amp up community enthusiasm. Feel free to post to any of your social channels, and thank you for your support! Project Pavilion Resources

The Project Pavilion has been revamped! We have a new layout, quick access to caffeine, and the building’s most luxurious, comfortable break area. And it’s all for you! Here’s some important information:

Jorge Castro will be doing multiple daily walkthroughs of the Pavilion. This is so attendees can link up with a group of people and do a “tour” of the pavilion, similar to a zoo walkthrough. Have a coworker or boss who is at their first KubeCon? Let Jorge know, and he can do a walkthrough with them and give them a “lay of the land.” We hope to increase foot traffic into the Pavilion with each tour, so be ready when the tour drops by your booth!

Staff Access - The CNCF staff will be working out of the Pavilion. This is a great time to sync your project up with CNCF project services. The team is happy to discuss: Getting the most out of LFX Insights with your project Conformance Programs Training Programs Mentorship Programs Technical Writing Getting set up on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Anything related to your booth at KubeCon … and anything else on your mind, our job is to make KubeCon work for you!

Project Resources Website

In collaboration with TAG-Contributor-Strategy, the CNCF is adding project/maintainer-specific content under This will contain helpful resources for maintainers and projects such as how-to guides, policies, and information around services the CNCF offers for projects.

Over the coming months, the goal is to provide a central point for projects to come and search for information and hopefully unblock themselves with common tasks or questions. If, as a maintainer, you find a repeated task that you do, PRs are welcome! Let’s build out a helpful collective together and uplevel all projects!

Project Compute Resources (Reminder)

It’s only been a few weeks since the last newsletter, but this is a reminder that we have new policies around project compute usage and new providers/options available to projects. Please see the last newsletter for details and information, and contact with any questions.

GitHub Copilot Availability

We have a lot of awesome partners on our open source journey, and GitHub is one of them.

After a community member asked about enabling Copilot support (Thanks, Deepthi Sigireddi from Vitess!), we looked into it! As a pre-KubeCon EU treat, we have enabled it for all CNCF GitHub orgs under the CNCF GitHub Enterprise account. Tentatively, we have the following limits in place: Sandbox projects: 10 seats Incubating projects: 30 seats Graduated projects: 50 seats

This limit is subject to change as we watch adoption. We’ll let you know if that needs to happen.


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