Contribute to the CNCF Ecosystem
Welcome! Are you interested in contributing to one of CNCF hosted projects? This repository should help you. It contains information and guidelines about contributions to CNCF projects.
CNCF offers multiple ways to start contributing to the CNCF ecosystem, including either foundation-wide and project-wide opportunities.
However, contributing to the CNCF ecosystem is not just about coding. There are many other ways to contribute to the CNCF ecosystem, including writing documentation, creating tutorials, bringing ideas to meetings, organizing meetups, and more.
Open Source Beginners
Are you new to open source? If so, we recommend checking out our comprehensive guide, “Start Contributing to Open Source”. This guide is filled with helpful tips and tricks to help you get started with contributing to open source projects. You’ll learn about communities and projects, how to find them, how to conform to community standards, and much more.
Unknown Terms?
If you encounter any unfamiliar terms in this document or on our website, we have a glossary available.
Contribution Opportunities
Mentorship Programs
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation participates in various mentoring programs, including:
- LFX Mentorship (ex-CommunityBridge): mentoring initiative by the Linux Foundation - details
- Google Summer of Code: mentoring program for the open source beginners - details
- Outreachy: mentoring initiative for the communities traditionally underrepresented in tech - details
If you are interested in participating in one of the programs, please check out the CNCF mentoring repository for more details.
Project Opportunities
The CNCF projects are always looking for new contributors. If you’re interested in contributing to a CNCF project, check out the following:
- CNCF Landscape - a map of all CNCF projects, along with their maturity level and their category
- CLOTributor - a tool that helps you find beginner-friendly tasks in CNCF projects
- Projects section below lists all CNCF projects, with their primary language and brief information on contributing to them
Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs)
CNCF Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) are responsible for overseeing and coordinating the interests of end users and/or projects within a specific area of focus. These groups hold open meetings that are accessible to anyone without any obligations. You are welcome to participate in discussions or simply observe the group’s activities. If you are interested in contributing to a TAG, you can find more information in their respective repositories.
Although TAGs are designed to focus on specific areas, you can begin contributing through working groups (WGs) that operate under the TAGs with even more narrow scopes. WGs are community-driven groups that encourage ongoing collaboration in specific areas of interest.
Learn more about CNCF TAGs and view a list of the CNCF TAGs.
Community Groups
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation supports the worldwide community of the Cloud Native Community Groups (CNCGs). They are listed on website. CNCF is currently working on expanding the Cloud Native community worldwide, and we are happy to accept any new local communities to join our network.
Are you passionate about Cloud Native technologies and interested in starting a community group in your area? Look no further than the CNCF Meetups program! Check out the CNCF Community Groups repository for more information about the program, including best practices for running successful CNCF Community Groups.
Cloud Native Ambassadors (CNAs) are individuals who are passionate about Cloud Native Computing Foundation technology and projects, recognized for their expertise, and willing to help others learn about the framework and community.
Successful ambassadors are people such as bloggers, influencers, evangelists who are already engaged with a CNCF project in some way including contributing to forums, online groups, community events, etc.
Details on the Ambassadors program, as well as information on how to join CNCF as an Ambassador, are available at the Cloud Native Ambassadors repository.
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation projects are listed below with information on how to contribute.
Graduated Projects
Project Name | Focus | Primary Language |
Argo | Continuous Integration & Delivery | Go |
cert-manager | Security & Compliance | Go |
Cilium | Cloud Native Network | Go |
CloudEvents | Streaming & Messaging | Python |
containerd | Container Runtime | Go |
CoreDNS | Coordination & Service Discovery | Go |
CRI-O | Container Runtime | Go |
CubeFS | Cloud Native Storage | Go |
Dapr | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
Envoy | Service Proxy | C++ |
etcd | Coordination & Service Discovery | Go |
Falco | Security & Compliance | C++ |
Fluentd | Observability | Ruby |
Flux | Continuous Integration & Delivery | Go |
Harbor | Container Registry | Go |
Helm | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
in-toto | Security & Compliance | Python |
Istio | Service Mesh | Go |
Jaeger | Observability | Go |
KEDA | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
KubeEdge | Automation & Configuration | Go |
Kubernetes | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
Linkerd | Service Mesh | Go |
Open Policy Agent (OPA) | Security & Compliance | Go |
Prometheus | Observability | Go |
Rook | Cloud Native Storage | Go |
SPIFFE | Key Management | Shell |
SPIRE | Key Management | Go |
The Update Framework (TUF) | Security & Compliance | Python |
TiKV | Database | Rust |
Vitess | Database | Go |
Incubating Projects
Project Name | Focus | Primary Language |
Artifact Hub | Application Definition & Image Build | TypeScript |
Backstage | Application Definition & Image Build | TypeScript |
Buildpacks | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
Chaos Mesh | Chaos Engineering | Go |
Cloud Custodian | Automation & Configuration | Python |
Container Network Interface (CNI) | Cloud Native Network | Go |
Contour | Service Proxy | Go |
Cortex | Observability | Go |
Crossplane | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
Dragonfly | Container Registry | Go |
Emissary-Ingress | API Gateway | Python |
Flatcar Container Linux | Certified Kubernetes - Distribution | Python |
gRPC | Remote Procedure Call | C++ |
Karmada | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
Keptn | Continuous Integration & Delivery | Go |
Keycloak | Security & Compliance | Java |
Knative | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
Kubeflow | Scheduling & Orchestration | TypeScript |
Kubescape | Security & Compliance | Go |
KubeVela | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
KubeVirt | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
Kyverno | Security & Compliance | Go |
Litmus | Chaos Engineering | Go |
Longhorn | Cloud Native Storage | Shell |
NATS | Streaming & Messaging | Go |
Notary Project | Security & Compliance | Go |
OpenCost | Continuous Optimization | Go |
OpenFeature | Feature Flagging | Python |
OpenKruise | Continuous Integration & Delivery | Go |
OpenTelemetry | Observability | Python |
OpenYurt | Automation & Configuration | Go |
Operator Framework | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
Strimzi | Streaming & Messaging | Java |
Thanos | Observability | Go |
Volcano | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
wasmCloud | Scheduling & Orchestration | Rust |
Sandbox Projects
Project Name | Focus | Primary Language |
Aeraki Mesh | Service Mesh | Go |
Akri | Automation & Configuration | Rust |
Antrea | Cloud Native Network | Go |
Armada | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
Athenz | Key Management | Java |
Atlantis | Automation & Configuration | Go |
Bank-Vaults | Security & Compliance | Go |
BFE | Service Proxy | Go |
bpfman | Security & Compliance | Rust |
Capsule | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
Carina | Cloud Native Storage | Go |
Cartography | Security & Compliance | Python |
Carvel | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s) | Automation & Configuration | JavaScript |
Chaosblade | Chaos Engineering | Go |
Clusternet | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
Clusterpedia | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
CNI-Genie | Cloud Native Network | Go |
Confidential Containers | Security & Compliance | |
Connect RPC | Remote Procedure Call | Go |
ContainerSSH | Security & Compliance | Go |
Copa | Security & Compliance | Go |
Cozystack | PaaS/Container Service | Smarty |
Devfile | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
DevSpace | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
DevStream | Automation & Configuration | Python |
Dex | Security & Compliance | Go |
Distribution | Container Registry | Go |
Easegress | API Gateway | Go |
Eraser | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
external-secrets | Security & Compliance | Go |
Fluid | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
hami | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
Headlamp | Observability | TypeScript |
Hexa | Security & Compliance | Shell |
HwameiStor | Cloud Native Storage | Go |
Hyperlight | Container Runtime | Rust |
Inclavare Containers | Container Runtime | C |
Inspektor Gadget | Observability | C |
Interlink | Security & Compliance | Go |
k0s | Certified Kubernetes - Distribution | Go |
k3s | Certified Kubernetes - Distribution | Go |
k8gb | Coordination & Service Discovery | Go |
K8sGPT | Observability | Go |
K8up | Cloud Native Storage | Go |
Kairos | Automation & Configuration | Go |
Kanister | Cloud Native Storage | Go |
KCL | Automation & Configuration | Rust |
kcp | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
Kepler | Observability | Go |
Keylime | Security & Compliance | Python |
kGateway | Automation & Configuration | Go |
KitOps | Automation & Configuration | Go |
Kmesh | Service Mesh | Go |
ko | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
Konveyor | Application Definition & Image Build | Jinja |
Koordinator | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
kpt | Automation & Configuration | Go |
Krkn | Chaos Engineering | Python |
Kuadrant | API Gateway | Go |
Kuasar | Container Runtime | Rust |
Kube-burner | Continuous Integration & Delivery | Go |
Kube-OVN | Cloud Native Network | Go |
kube-rs | Scheduling & Orchestration | Rust |
kube-vip | Cloud Native Network | Go |
Kubean | Automation & Configuration | Go |
KubeArmor | Security & Compliance | Go |
KubeClipper | Certified Kubernetes - Installer | Go |
KubeDL | Automation & Configuration | Go |
Kuberhealthy | Observability | Go |
KubeSlice | Scheduling & Orchestration | Mustache |
KubeStellar | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
Kubewarden | Security & Compliance | Go |
KUDO | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
Kuma | Service Mesh | Go |
Kured | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
KusionStack | Automation & Configuration | Go |
Lima | Container Runtime | Go |
Logging Operator (Kube Logging) | Observability | Go |
LoxiLB | Service Proxy | Go |
Merbridge | Service Mesh | Go |
Meshery | Automation & Configuration | JavaScript |
MetalLB | Service Proxy | Go |
Metal³ | Automation & Configuration | Go |
Microcks | Application Definition & Image Build | Java |
Network Service Mesh | Cloud Native Network | Go |
Nocalhost | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
Open Cluster Management | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
Open Policy Containers | Security & Compliance | Go |
OpenEBS | Cloud Native Storage | |
OpenELB | Service Proxy | Go |
OpenFGA | Security & Compliance | Go |
OpenFunction | Scheduling & Orchestration | Go |
openGemini | Database | Go |
OpenGitOps | Continuous Integration & Delivery | |
ORAS | Cloud Native Storage | Go |
OSCAL-COMPASS | Security & Compliance | Python |
OVN-Kubernetes | Cloud Native Network | Go |
Paralus | Security & Compliance | Go |
Parsec | Security & Compliance | Rust |
Perses | Observability | TypeScript |
PipeCD | Continuous Integration & Delivery | Go |
Piraeus Datastore | Cloud Native Storage | Go |
Pixie | Observability | C++ |
Porter | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
Pravega | Streaming & Messaging | Java |
Radius | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
Ratify | Security & Compliance | Go |
SchemaHero | Database | Go |
Score | Application Definition & Image Build | Makefile |
sealer | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
Sermant | Service Mesh | Java |
Serverless Devs | Scheduling & Orchestration | TypeScript |
Serverless Workflow | Application Definition & Image Build | Gherkin |
Service Mesh Performance | Service Mesh | Makefile |
Shipwright | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
SlimToolkit | Security & Compliance | Go |
SOPS | Security & Compliance | Go |
Spiderpool | Cloud Native Network | Go |
Stacker | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
Submariner | Cloud Native Network | Go |
SuperEdge | Automation & Configuration | Go |
Telepresence | Application Definition & Image Build | Go |
Teller | Key Management | Rust |
Tinkerbell | Automation & Configuration | Go |
Tremor | Streaming & Messaging | Rust |
Trickster | Observability | Go |
Vineyard | Cloud Native Storage | C++ |
Virtual Kubelet | Container Runtime | Go |
Visual Studio Code Kubernetes Tools | Application Definition & Image Build | TypeScript |
WasmEdge Runtime | Container Runtime | C++ |
werf | Continuous Integration & Delivery | Go |
Xline | Coordination & Service Discovery | Rust |
youki | Container Runtime | Rust |
zot | Container Registry | Go |
Non-code Projects
Project Name | Focus | Primary Language |
Cloud Native Glossary | Definitions | Markdown |
Kubernetes Website | Kubernetes website and documentation | Markdown |
OpenTelemetry Website | OpenTelemetry website and documentation | Markdown |
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